Pharmokinetics: How Cannabinoids Move Through Your Body
Pharmokinetics is a complex process, and its effects on the human body are not yet fully understood — even among the experts at our Isla Vista dispensary. However, scientists have been able to study how cannabinoids move through the body, and this information can be helpful for buyers of weed edibles and other products in understanding the various ways that cannabis can be consumed. This process is known as pharmacokinetics, and it’s important to know how it works in order to make informed choices about your cannabis use.
Here’s what you can expect from this post on pharmokinetics.
1. Introduce pharmacokinetics and its importance in understanding cannabis use
2. Explain how cannabinoids move through the body
3. Discuss the different methods of consuming cannabis and how they relate to pharmacokinetics
4. Describe the differences between inhalation, oral consumption, topical application, and sublingual administration of cannabis products
5. Analyze the pros and cons of each method of consuming cannabis based on pharmacokinetics
6. Summarize key points about using cannabinoid-based products safely and effectively
Without further ado, let’s get started!
Entering the Bloodstream
Have you ever wondered how cannabis works in your body? Well, the pharmacokinetics of cannabis can breakthrough many misconceptions and provide insight on why this plant-based medicine is so effective. When you consume cannabis, the cannabinoids present in the flower enter your bloodstream and are then circulated to your brain and other organs.
The pharmacokinetic process of cannabinoids playing with our endocannabinoid system can help explain why users of cannabis feel so alive, creative, uplifted and relaxed after taking part in this age-old practice. Furthermore, pharmacokinetics also ensure that small microdoses can have an affective, prolonged effect. Whether you’re combining cannabis with herbal treatments or simply medicating with it on its own, pharmacokinetics ensures that the medicinal properties of this incredible plant are taken to all parts of your body.
Once in your blood, the cannabinoids move through different stages. They are absorbed by the liver and metabolized, broken down into smaller molecules that can be used by the body. The metabolites then enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas of the body, where they can produce their desired effects. The rate of absorption varies depending on how you consumed cannabis – with smoking or vaping resulting in almost immediate absorption, while edibles take much longer to have an effect as they must pass through your digestive system first before entering your bloodstream.
The pharmacokinetics of cannabis also influence how long its effects last in your body. When you smoke or vape cannabis, its effects generally last for several hours; however when you consume it orally via edibles, its effects can last for much longer. This is due to the fact that when cannabis is consumed orally, it must first pass through your digestive system and be metabolized by your liver before its metabolites are able to move throughout your body.
Cannabis is a complex herbal medicine, and its pharmacokinetic process plays an important role in determining how it interacts with your body. Knowing more about this process can help you make informed decisions about the type of cannabis products you consume, as well as their corresponding effects on your health. Understanding pharmacokinetics can also provide insight into why certain delivery methods work better for certain patients, such as those who have difficulties absorbing cannabinoids or need prolonged relief from their symptoms.

Consumption Method and Absorption
Whether you’re using cannabis to reduce stress or as part of your wellness routine, it’s important to remember that the pharmacokinetics of different consumption methods can affect how quickly you feel the effects. Smoking cannabis tends to produce a more immediate onset and peak effect, whereas when eaten, it typically takes longer for the active ingredients to move through your system and create an effect.
Factors such as metabolism and preferred cannabinoids can also affect how long it will take for the effects of cannabis to be felt – so keep this in mind when planning the timing of your next dose!
For cannabis to be effective and produce desired effects, it must first enter the bloodstream, where its active compounds can interact with our endocannabinoid system. This is why pharmacokinetics – which outlines how different compounds are absorbed, metabolized, distributed throughout the body, and eliminated – is so important when using cannabis for medicinal purposes.
From Blood to Liver
Did you know that pharmacokinetics is the way your body processes cannabis? So, what happens when you consume cannabis? The cannabinoids are metabolized by the liver and broken down into metabolites, which are then excreted through urine.
This pharmacokinetic pathway explains why traces of cannabis can be detected in urine for days or weeks after consumption, even if its effects have worn off. It’s important to understand pharmacokinetics, as it helps to explain how cannabis moves around your body and affects you.
It’s also important to take into account the different absorption rates that come with various consumption methods – smoking or vaping may result in faster onset times than edibles, for instance – when planning the timing of your next dose. Understanding pharmacokinetics can ultimately make it simpler to receive the results you desire from using cannabis.

How Long Do Cannabinoids Stay in Your System?
Few compounds in pharmacology have the pharmacokinetic profile of cannabis—it can stick around in your body for weeks or even months after ingestion! That’s why it’s not uncommon for regular users to test positive on drug tests long after they last consumed cannabis. So, if you recently took a drug test and don’t understand why you had a positive result, metabolite buildup may be to blame!
Overall, pharmacokinetics is an essential concept to understand when using cannabis for medicinal purposes. Knowing more about the ways different delivery methods and cannabinoids are absorbed, metabolized, distributed throughout your body, and eventually eliminated can help you make better decisions when it comes to dosing and timing—which will ultimately result in a more effective outcome.
Remember these key points:
-Cannabis must be absorbed into the bloodstream in order to produce desired effects.
-The pharmacokinetics of cannabis, which outline how different compounds are absorbed, metabolized, distributed throughout the body, and eliminated, is an important factor when using cannabis for medicinal purposes.
-Different consumption methods such as smoking or eating can affect how quickly its active ingredients move through your system and create an effect.
-The metabolites of cannabis can stay in your body for weeks or even months, leading to positive results on drug tests long after last use.
-Understanding the pharmacokinetics of cannabis will help users make better decisions regarding dosing and timing for more effective outcomes.
In conclusion, understanding the effects of cannabis and how long it lasts in your system can be helpful, especially if you partake often. Cannabis has been around for hundreds of years and is one of the most-used recreational drugs in the world today. Depending on how it is consumed, its effects can be felt almost immediately or within a couple hours. However, since it’s metabolized by the liver, its metabolites can stay stored in your body for weeks or even months that can result in positive results for drug tests long after you last used it. Taking all of this into consideration allows individuals to make more informed decisions when consuming cannabis and avoid any possible issues with drug testing.

Final thoughts
If you’re an avid consumer of cannabis, the pleasure and relief of your first puff may become lost to tolerance over time. Fortunately, there are several tips you can employ to enjoy growing potency from each hit. It’s best to cycle strains: that is, changing between Sativa and Indica every few weeks. Also consider avoiding combustion when smoking, such as a vaporizer or bong for a cleaner hit with less irritation.
Avoiding large group sessions, increasing water intake before and after smoking, and taking short breaks from smoking are all helpful too! With a bit of discretion and creativity to develop the right habits for you, enjoying cannabis again is easy!
THC tolerance, or the body’s ability to develop a resistance to THC and its effects over time, is an important subject for cannabis users. THC tolerance can vary depending on individual biology and lifestyle, but understanding it is essential to controlling results and avoiding potential risks. If you are interested in learning more about THC tolerance, there are plenty of resources available online. For further reading that goes beyond the basics, High Times and Green Flower offer comprehensive guides with details on THC metabolites, THC half-life, testing methods, and other factors that influence THC tolerance levels. With this knowledge at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions about using cannabis safely and effectively.
Weed tolerance may seem daunting, but with the right information and techniques, it doesn’t have to be. Knowing what weed tolerance is, as well as the different ways to beat it can help bring back the feeling of smoking for the first time all over again. Eating edibles and changing up smoking habits can be helpful in reducing or stabilizing your tolerance levels. Ultimately, self-care is key! Experimenting to find what works best for you is a must when it comes to managing your weed intake.
If further questions arise about weed tolerance, there are plenty of resources available for more detailed information. You can also always ask a bud tender at one of our award-winning California cannabis dispensaries. Want to learn more about cannabis? Follow our Friends of the Farm Lecture Series of cannabis webinars. Thanks for tuning in and we look forward to seeing you here again soon!